Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Roller Coaster Day

I've cleared my To-do List expect for succeeding in making my dear study. He will start next week, LATEST. That I shall make sure of.

Today was really draining. I had a nightmare class, which exhausted me. But I tried to be tactful. I did not actually scold anyone in particular. Well, I have two Form 3 classes, one after another this afternoon. The first class was the horror class. They wasted plenty of time talking and some had the audacity to go downstairs without permission to buy guava and sugar cane juice.

What I did was, I used the extra time I had leftover in my second class to teach them a little Japanese. I translated their names into Japanese, and I am pretty sure they enjoyed it as much as I did.

The best part was, whilst I was writing some Japanese characters on the board, some students from the previous class happened to pass by and caught sight of what they were learning. Suffice to say, they'd gotten green with envy.

I hope that I'd made my point clear.

They did not give me a chance to speak, therefore they did not get to listen to what I have to say.

And and and, I've finished my notes and am rather pleased with the results! Crossing off stuff off my To-do List is really fun! I make these lists all the time and it helps me get things done. Happily, withal!

Oh, and its Jian Wen's birthday today also, so...
Happy Birthday, Teng Jian Wen!
He was so so lucky that he didn't get deflowered.

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