Thursday, November 11, 2010

Goodbye, first semester!

Its over, at long last. I won't miss it, for sure.

The past four months have been a hectic ongoing roller coaster ride. I was just only getting accustomed to my new lifestyle that included travelling to and fro daily for an hour, being enclosed in a 24/7 smoker zone (which I still loathe), getting my head into subjects which I couldn't comprehend or make a head or tail of, getting used to lecturers disappearing when I need to see them and the fact that its gonna take years for them to correct our work or have it disappear in their care for good and being labelled studious/diligent/smart (I feel the need to laugh hysterically here, its utterly outrageous!) for the first time in my life.

What a gargantuan change from my high school life.

Another 8 months before I proceed into my degree course (whereby I still need to do Malaysian Studies, BM and Moral. WTF!). But granted, I am allowed to drop BM because I got a credit in SPM muahaha!

I can bear with this. 6 subjects a semester is only a subject more than STPM candidates (including MUET). Despite the super duper heavy workload, the examinations are much less hefty. On an average I study a day before examinations, maximum. Or on the day itself, given that the exam time is in the afternoon. It would be less stressful during examination week if I studied constantly. But its okay, I'd much rather leave it to the eleventh hour. There is simply too much on my plate as it is!

My goals for this holidays are:
  • Do some sketching
  • Read up the history of architecture
  • Relax and enjoy myself thoroughly
  • Find more things to do!
    I hate doing nothing for my holidays and I haven't done that in a long time (since Form 1, precisely, which dates 6 years back).
  • Indulge myself in books, books and more books.
    Mmm, just the thought of it appeals to me very much ;D
  • Spend lots and lots of time with my dear boyfriend! :D
Another to-do list for me! I love crossing things off my to-do lists. Seeing actual prove that work is done makes me happy and ticking the items off gives me an unexplainable thrill and wave of anticipation to complete the entire list! This keeps me on my toes and is a really good method of achieving goals. Toasting amazing to-do lists!

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